Our Winners

Best Big DogSnowyPhoto by Monica M. (Queens)
Best Little DogBonniePhoto by L H. (Queens)
Best Groomed DogLunaPhoto by Harriet N. (Queens)
Most Adorable PuppyCharlesPhoto by Angela R. (Queens)
Cutest KittenKikiPhoto by Maureen R. (Queens)
Prettiest Cat Eyes & FaceFluffyPhoto by Petrina C. (Bronx)
Furriest or Fluffiest CatFrankPhoto by Teresa B. (Queens)
Funniest ("Derpiest") CatBearPhoto by Kayla S. (Brooklyn)

Check out all of the finalists!

Cutest KittenSweatPeaPhoto by Edyta K. (Queens)
Best Little DogGigiPhoto by Shanell T. (Brooklyn)
Best Little DogGadgetPhoto by Katherine T. (Bronx)
Cutest KittenMommyPhoto by Edyta K. (Queens)
Prettiest Cat Eyes & FaceFrankiePhoto by jane s. (Long Island)
Best Little DogDiego TorresPhoto by Richqrd T. (Manhattan)
Most Adorable PuppySnowyPhoto by Monica M. (Queens)
Furriest or Fluffiest CatLuckyPhoto by Josephine H. (Bronx)
Prettiest Cat Eyes & FaceGoldiePhoto by Joseph K. (Bronx)
Furriest or Fluffiest Cat
Best Groomed DogCharlesPhoto by Angela R. (Queens)
Cutest KittenMittensPhoto by Julia L. (Queens)
Most Adorable PuppyJaxPhoto by Libby K. (Long Island)
Furriest or Fluffiest Cat
Best Groomed DogMilahPhoto by Erika C. (Queens)